Help us choose our Charity of the Year for 2023

Tuesday 13 December, 2022

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UPDATE: Wednesday 20th December 2023

We are delighted to announce that our new charity partner for 2023, as voted for by the public, will be;

Aurora New Dawn

Thank you for you all your votes. Thank you also on behalf of Jill’s Fundraising Journey and OFLAC – FAB Cafe for the votes both these deserving charities received.

We will update in January 2023 with news of how the Insight Team will support Aurora New Dawn with fund-raising.



Each year Insight Legal partners up with a charity and supports the partnership through a diary of events, fundraising activities and social media interaction.

2023 will be our 6th year of partnering with a charity. In the past we have supported; Parkside, Step by Step, Willow Foundation, Challengers and most recently Mustard Seed Autism Trust.

This scheme is a fantastic way for us to help make a difference to some of the many worthy charities within our community; regionally or nationally.

The process to become Insight Legal’s charity partner is simple; We have asked our staff members to nominate their chosen charity and subsequently have shortlisted these nominations to 3 charities that we believe have similar values to ourselves and that we could potentially partner with;

Jill’s Fundraising Journey

Registered Charity No. 1160327
Jill’s Fundraising Journey is a small registered charity dedicated to providing free holidays for families affected by a cancer diagnosis.

The charity was set up in 2014 in memory of Jill Goodrum by two of her daughters, Lyndsey and Jemma, who lost her battle with breast cancer after just 8 short months.​

At Jill’s Fundraising Journey, they hope to spread awareness of self-checking and early diagnosis of cancer and provide some much-needed respite to families struggling with a cancer diagnosis.

Aurora New Dawn

Registered Charity No. 1153154

Aurora New Dawn supports victims and survivors of domestic abuse, sexual violence and stalking.

They work to ensure that victims voices are prioritised and provide innovative services to meet the needs of victims, one example of this is their work with the Armed Forces which provides the only multi-advocacy service to personnel and their families in the British Army.

(Oak Farm Leisure and Activities Club)
FAB Café

Registered Charity No. 298569

OFLAC was set up in 1985 and is a club for adults aged 19 upwards with learning disabilities.

In 2021, when the café in Farnborough library was in danger of closure, OFLAC took over the running of the café.

As well as being a fully working café open to the general public, it now provides a safe environment for vulnerable people and an opportunity for the OFLAC users to gain valuable work experience. The café is staffed by volunteers and trainees.


Your Vote Counts; 


These 3 charities are now depending on the public vote – so it’s over to you…

Click Here to vote for which charity you would like Insight Legal to work with in 2023 

Voting closes at end of the day on Tuesday 20th December 

We will publish the results and announce our Charity Partnership on Wednesday 21st December