Residential Conveyancing Workflows Webinar – 18th May 2022

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Insight Workflow Webinar

The New Simplified Residential Conveyancing Workflow

We’ve been talking to you about the benefits of workflows for your law firm and many of you have told us that there maybe a step too far and for your firm you don’t need the enhanced levels of prescriptive control and measure that many of them provide out of the box.

So, our Workflows Implementation Team have come up with a new simplified Residential Conveyancing workflow that cuts out many of the steps and gives you a one page checklist view of everything that needs completing on the file and doesn’t stop the experienced ones amongst you from skipping ahead with tasks you know need to be completed.

To see the new simplified Residential Workflow and how it compares with our traditional conveyancing workflows click the link to register for our next webinar.

Residential Conveyancing Workflows Webinar Speaker

Josh Dhaliwal
Josh Dhaliwal

Head of Sales at Insight Legal

With 25 years of experience in Sales and the last 8 years gained in software solutions, Josh is passionate about delivering excellence and believes that the role of the modern software firm is to work closely with the client to help them make informed and educated decisions about the right solution, to help them succeed.