Help your law firm prevent disasters in compliance, billing and accounts – 9th August 2022

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Insight Legal - Single Version of the Truth

Live Webinar - 9th August '22

In our upcoming webinar, we’ll discuss how a single version of the truth is crucial for your law firms. If your data and records are incomplete, inaccurate or exist in multiple forms in different places then you are facing the risk of breaching the rules or even losing money.

With insight from over a 1,000 law firms, join us on this short and informative webinar, to see how the right systems and processes can help your law firm prevent disasters in compliance, billing and accounts.

It can often feel like an overlooked part of the business or something which, put frankly, gets in the way of practicing law but give us 30 minutes and we will show you how easy it is to put the right measures in place to protect your firm.

This webinar is suitable for: Practice Managers, Solicitors, Partners

Webinar Speaker

Josh Dhaliwal
Josh Dhaliwal

Head of Sales at Insight Legal

With 25 years of experience in Sales and the last 8 years gained in software solutions, Josh is passionate about delivering excellence and believes that the role of the modern software firm is to work closely with the client to help them make informed and educated decisions about the right solution, to help them succeed.